Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Angst, Indigestion and injustice

Yesterday was not a day for the foolish of heart or mind.  Two quintessential American capitalist institutions-stock market and the Yankees-went down in a torrent of fear and ineptitude so great it recoils the mind.  October 19, 2010, was not a day of infamy; moreover, it was one of weeping and gnashing of teeth.  Gnashing of teeth, by the way, is only experience outside of Biblical times by those that are aroused by the legalized betting that is the buying and selling stocks in these uncertain economic times, and it is empirically felt by those true followers of the Yankee dynasty when decision after decision ends in abysmal failure, fear and loathing.  Ah, but that was yesterday and today is a new day.  Is it, or is this “new day” an elaborate hoax of the senses.  That is a story for another day.

The politics of hope died an obscene death with the 2008 election.  The truism is readily confirmed in the perversion of that used to be good and true in the national character exemplified by a Boy Scout Chili cook off.  Backroom politics, greed, and masochism has now enveloped this once pure event and besieged it on all sides.  I regret to inform you the fix is in, and we, the people, have lost again!

For, a chili of such great taste and value, a chili without peer, was rated by the so-called impartial judges to be of 2nd place merit.  This is a grotesque and deranged display of absolute power corrupting absolutely.  This perversion of justice may only be rivaled by the 2000 presidential election in which a boy president was elected to the highest office in the man.  Eh gads, what has happened in this country when beasts permeate even the most fundamental elements of the American dream!  However, given the back-alley, crude mentality of those in charge, it is now clear, in retrospect, to even the fools of this county (and we are chock full of them) that the chili of the gods was simply too pure and too good for the pallets of those that seek out a high quality meal at Applebee’s, which would be the preferred restaurant of the state had the German’s won the war.

My good friend, the esteemed Dr. Viola-PHD in Jenga Strategies, reminded us of the inherent lunacy pervasive in the American populace with the following philosophical mind massage: “My next thought is my best thought and I knew what it was going to be”.  If one does not become dizzy upon reading and pondering, the government has won the war of mental attrition.  As a retort, I was compelled to remind Dr. Viola of the profound words of Dr. Johnson, “He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man”.

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