Monday, October 18, 2010

Fear and Loathing in Overland Park

You can sense it coming like an earthquake traveling down a fault line.  The results will stupefy those of relative sound mind and induce madness in every possible direction.  The general suspension of common sense will stagger the senses, recoil the mind and shutter the middle brain-disconnecting the front lobes from the medulla in a searing, beast-like pain not readily known by most in the modern world. 

The absence of common sense may be the second most astounding of all time (the first was George McGovern nominating an electroshock patience at his VP candidate in the '72 presidential election).  What is this retardation of the senses you may ask?  It is the pending mid-term elections.  The very beasts that accelerated the downward slide of this countries social, economic and political footing are now seeking to be thrust back into power by the body politic, and we the people may allow it to happen.

This is the sort of realization that most likely caused Picasso to chop off his own ear in a fit of rage, angst, and maybe even narcolepsy.  In 2006 and still living in the cradle of capitalism (NY), I lead the charge of those within my sphere of influence to vote the bums out of power in the '06 mid-terms.  AH, THAT WAS TRULY GLORIOUS.  Bush even had to suspend his I'm not fooling anyone spin and admit the GOP caught a beatin like a red-headed step child.  Now, four years latter and these awful swine are poised to take back the House and possibly the Senate. 

Am I and the small cadre of cohorts I associate with (also known as the coalition of free thinkers since there are not many of us bastards left on this planet) the only people on this planet that get the utter stupidity of allowing these creeps to come back to power on their regurgitated "Contract with America" platform.  Get a grip man.  Their failed policies of complete laissez faire economic policies, corruption, greed, and fooling the voters using divisive social issues to actually vote against their own economic interests are now back to save us from Wall Street reform, improved coverage of health care, and improved infrastructure.  Thank God.  The Democrats were out of control.  They almost gave the middle class a helping hand.  HOW DARE THEY!  In the pure outrage of our collective discourse, we will punish them for this and, I fear, let the bums back into office.

If the GOP swine is voted back into office, we deserve whatever shifty little plans that greasy, former latex salesman John Boehner will lay on us.  Due to the subject matter of this post, I am most likely having an aneurysm, and I need to remedy it post haste.

Till next time,

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